About the Medi@lmanah Journal

The Medi@lmanah journal is a scientific and practical publication of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Its publisher is Non-commercial partnership Centre for assistance in the development of regional faculties of journalism “Partnership of Faculties of Journalism” (NP “Partnership of Faculties of Journalism”).

The main goal of the journal is to disseminate among researchers and journalists the sum of knowledge created and accumulated by the academic community. The journal is intended both to put to test the results of modern research projects, dissertations, the latest concepts and scientific hypotheses and to be used for teaching purposes.

Medi@lmanah was founded in 2003 and is published by the decision of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. Since 2010, according to the decision made by the presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, the journal has been included in the List of Russian refereed scientific journals for the publication of basic scientific results of doctoral and candidate theses. The articles submitted for publication undergo double blind refereeing, which significantly increases the objectivity of selecting materials to be published.

The regular sections of the journal include: Research Paradigms, Global Context, Agenda, IT-Academia, Mass Media in Russia, Mass Media Abroad, Media.RU, Mediatext, Education in Journalism.

Periodicity: six times a year.

Circulation: 500 copies.

ISSN: 1992-4631

Official website of the journal: www.mediaalmanah.ru

Subscription index of the publication in the ROSPECHAT catalogue: 20 368.

In accordance with the decision made by the presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF on 19.02.2010 and 01.12.2015, the Medi@lmanah journal is included in the List of leading refereed scientific journals and publications. Publisher – NP "Partnership of Faculties of Journalism".

The journal is published under the auspices of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The journal is registered in the Central Territorial Department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs of the Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communication Media.

Registration certificate PI No 1-00926 of December 17, 2002.
Co-founders: Elena L. Vartanova, Olga D. Minayeva.
ISSN 1992-4631

Contact information: 9 Mokhovaya Street, 125009, Moscow.
E-mail: almanach@internet.ru

All articles are refereed by scientific referees.


Editorial Staff

Editor-in-Chief: Denis V. Dunas
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Nonna Yu. Kotrikadze
Executive Secretary: Anna A. Korzunova
Editors: Natalia M. Shestova, Darya O. Maluchenko
Translation: Elena G. Aivazova
Design and makeup: Murat K. Suleimenov


Scientific Board

Elena L. Vartanova (Chair) Doctor of Philology, PhD, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education
Viktor P. Kolomiets, Doctor of Sociology, PhD, Professor
Ekaterina I. Orlova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Professor
Ivan A. Pankeev, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Professor
Natalia V. Urina, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Senior Researcher
Mikhail V. Shkondin, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Professor
Galina G. Schepilova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU


Editorial Council

Irina V. Annenkova, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University
Yuri M. Ershov, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Historical and Philological Faculty of MSU Branch in Sevastopol
Yuri P. Zinchenko, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University
Igor E. Klyukanov, Doctor of Philology, Professor at Eastern Washington University
Boris N. Lozovsky, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department “Faculty of Journalism”, Ural Federal University
Olga Minaeva, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Chair of History and Legal Regulation of Domestic Media, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University
Anatoly S. PuyuDoctor of Sociology, Professor, Director of the Institute Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University
Yaroslav L. SkvortsovPhD in Sociology, Dean of the Faculty of International Journalism, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the MFA of Russia
Svetlana G. Ter-MinasovaDoctor of Philology, President of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Moscow State University
Yonghua Zhao, Doctor of Philology, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China



Maksim I. Babuk, PhD in Philosophy, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Oleg A. Bakulin, PhD in History, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Anton V. Bakuntsev, PhD in Philology, Gorky Institute of World Literature (IWL RAS), Moscow
Svetlana D. Balmayeva, PhD in Philology, University for the Humanities, Ekaterinburg
Marina A. Berezhnaya, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg
Maria A. Vasilchenko, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Olga Y. Vikhrova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Maria B. Vladimirova, PhD in Philosophy, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Galina F. Voronenkova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Andrei V. Vyrkovsky, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Daria M. Vyugina, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Anna A. Gladkova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Alexandr A. Grabelnikov, Doctor of History, PhD, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Tatiana E. Grinberg, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Anastasia V. Grusha, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Anna N. Gureeva, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Evgenia K. Gurova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Dmitrii A. Gutnov, Doctor of History, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Yulia I. Dolgova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Kseniya Ye. Zadorozhnaya, PhD in Philology, Strategic Research Directorate of the Perviy Kanal channel
Evgeny B. Zaitsev, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Milana V. Zakharova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Ekaterina A. Zvereva, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Tambov State University
Valery L. Ivanitsky, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Helena Johansson, PhD in Philology, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
Marina V. Livanova, PhD in Philology, Smolensk State University
Anna A. Litvinenko, PhD in Philology, Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Maria M. Lukina, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Mikhail I. Makeenko, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Valentina D. Mansurova, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, Altai State University, Barnaul
Maria G. Maslina, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Olga V. Muronets, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Mikhail I. Nikitin, PhD in Philology, Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies, Moscow
Viktoria V. Orlova, PhD in Philology, Strategic Research Directorate of the Perviy Kanal Channel
Marina I Piskunova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Elena E. Pronina, Doctor of Philology, PhD in Psychology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Grigory V. Pruttskov, PhD in Philology, NRU HSE, Moscow
Darya A. Pushkaryova, PhD in Philology, Lomonosov MSU Branch in Sevastopol
Andrei V. Raskin, PhD in History, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Elena N. Remchukova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Svetlana Pasti, Doctor of Sociology, University of Tampere, Finland
Olga N. Savinova, Doctor of Political Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod State University
Alexandra L. Semyonova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Novgorod State University, Velikiy Novgorod
Vladimir V. Slavkin, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Olga V. Smirnova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Sergei S. Smirnov, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Sofia B. Steblovskaya, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Natalia V. Tkacheva, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Anna V. Tolokonnikova, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Svetlana L. Urazova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Academy of Media Industry, Moscow
Gelia S. Filatkina, Ph.D., Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov MSU
Tatiana I. Frolova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Taras S. Cherevko, PhD in Philology, Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Alexander V. Chernov, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Cherepovets State University
Alexander V. Sharikov, PhD in Pedagogy, NRU HSE, Moscow
Liudmila P. Shestyorkina, Doctor of Philology, PhD, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Marina G. Shilina, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Alexander G. Shklyaev, PhD in Philology, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
Svetlana A. Shomova, Doctor of Political Sciences, PhD in Philology, NRU HSE, Moscow
Svetlana I. Yakimova, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Pacific State University, Khabarovsk