Medi@lmanah Journal – Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Current issue: №6 (125) 2024 year

  • Towards Conscious Media Consumption: on the Role of Parents in Shaping Children’s Media Culture
  • Media Image: Current State and Conceptual Approaches in the Academic Publications
  • Specifics of the Media Business Regulation System in the Russian Federation
  • Transformation of a Media Platform into a Digital Media Ecosystem: the Trajectory of Change (a case study of the VK group)
  • On the Perspectives of the Development of Russian Digital Media Platforms
  • Artificial Intelligence in URA.RU Journalistic Texts: the First Stage of Implementing Neural Network Solutions
  • Recollections of Photoreporters about Shooting the Revolutionary Events of 1917 as a Source on the History of Photography in Russia
  • The Professional Activities of a War Correspondent in the Telegram Messenger: Specifics Features of Military Conflict Coverage
  • “Minor Forms” of Information Messages in the News Broadcasting of Channel One
  • Intertextuality in V.Ya. Bryusov’s Publicism and Poetry (a case study of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet”)
  • Imperial Moscow University: Charitable Activities
  • Legends of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University: Eduard G. Babayev and Alexander V. Zapadov

Medi@lmanah Journal

On the Medi@lmanah Journal

The Medi@lmanah journal is a scientific and practical publication of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Its publisher is Non-commercial partnership Centre for assistance in the development of regional faculties of journalism “Partnership of Faculties of Journalism” (NP “Partnership of Faculties of Journalism”).

The main goal of the journal is to disseminate among researchers and journalists the sum of knowledge created and accumulated by the academic community. The journal is intended both to put to test the results of modern research projects, dissertations, the latest concepts and scientific hypotheses and to be used for teaching purposes.

Medi@lmanah was founded in 2003 and is published by the decision of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. Since 2010, according to the decision made by the presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, the journal has been included in the List of Russian refereed scientific journals for the publication of basic scientific results of doctoral and candidate theses. The articles submitted for publication undergo double blind refereeing, which significantly increases the objectivity of selecting materials to be published.

The regular sections of the journal include: Research Paradigms, Global Context, Agenda, IT-Academia, Mass Media in Russia, Mass Media Abroad, Media.RU, Mediatext, Education in Journalism.

Periodicity: six times a year.

Circulation: 500 copies.

The journal is indexed by the Russian national bibliographic database of science citation.

ISSN: 1992-4631

Official website of the journal:

Subscription index of the publication in the ROSPECHAT catalogue: 20 368.

Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University

In accordance with the decision made by the presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF on 19.02.2010 and 01.12.2015, the MediaAlmanah journal is included in the List of leading refereed scientific journals and publications. Publisher – NP "Partnership of Faculties of Journalism".

The journal is published under the auspices of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The journal is registered in the Central Territorial Department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs of the Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communication Media.

Registration certificate PI No 1-00926 of December 17, 2002.

Co-founders: Elena L. Vartanova, Olga D. Minayeva.

ISSN 1992-4631

Contact information: 9 Mokhovaya Street, 125009, Moscow.

All articles are refereed by scientific referees.


© Medi@lmanah. All rights reserved.

Passed for printing Format 70х100/16.

Offset paper. Offset printing. Volume 9.0 printer’s sheets.

Guidelines for the Preparation and Layout of Articles in the Medi@lmanah Scientific Journal

I. Requirements to the Article

II. Guidelines for Submitting the Material

III. Procedure for Refereeing

IV. Guidelines for the Layout of the Material

V. Examples of the Layout of Sources in Primechaniya, Bibliografiya, Notes and References

VI. Examples of the Layout of References